Sunday, 27 October 2013

End of Phase 1 - Results and Thoughts

Thats the first week in phase 2 completed which allows me to analyse the numbers and review how successful the first stage of the program has been on myself. Looking at the figures all my lifts have increased except 1. Incline Barbell Bench appears to not have improved. I will look at this on a weekly basis to see if there is improvement and if there is none by the end of week 4 I will alter program to try and obtain some gains with this lift. My other lifts have improved between 7% - a massive 30% which proves the program is working. Happy with the strength gains but think i need to manipulate my diet and conditioning a bit to promote more muscle growth as well as fat loss. Fat % seems to be hovering round the 11-12% mark and I am hoping to get this below 10% for end of week 4, giving me 3 weeks to achieve this. Ill try looking at my diet and being a bit tighter with that while using more focussed conditioning work to try break through this little plateau. My diet is good but may need to eat a bit less on conditioning days and eat more on my heavy lifting days. I have gained 4 pounds in the past month which suggests muscle mass gain as my fat % has not increased at all. I have done zero ab work on this program and will start incorporating some to try and condition my core more and aid improvement on my big lifts. Overall happy with the results but there is still room for improvement.   

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